Friday, April 25, 2014

Transfer Complete!

All the recipes from my old blog have been transferred over now. More recipes to come later (once I find the paper they are written on!). I will continue to post more as often as possible, after all I am always tweaking current recipes and creating new ones. If there is anything you would like to see, let me know! Just remember there will NEVER be a recipe posted that contains seafood of any kind. Everything on this site will be seafood free. Also anything with sugar will have coconut sugar or agave syrup instead of the usual sugars that you see in recipes. Sometimes I will add a little raw, unpasteurized honey (the kind that becomes solid at room temperature over time).

Not everything will be recipes on here, some items will be reviews of products that I have, and that I order. Such as the bark boxes that I receive monthly for my 9 month old spoiled border collie x german shepard puppy, Jake.

Please enjoy the recipes I post, and check back for updates regularly. No recipe is ever finalized, I enjoy making new changes and seeing what results I get, and if I can make it even better yet.

You can find me on Facebook at  Sylvianys, or on Pintrest.


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