Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sour Cream Protein Pancakes

Found a recipe for sour cream pancakes I wanted to try, I just had to make a few changes of course! First I added some protein powder and second I had to make them fluffier!!!!!! All the pictures I have found were all thin, and I didn't like that. This is a large batch of pancakes, made with the intention of having extra for breakfast the next day as well.

Sour Cream Protein Pancakes

Yield: 16 pancakes


4 egg whites
1 egg yolk
2 cups + 3 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp coconut sugar
2/3 cup flour
1 tbsp baking soda
1 tbsp vanilla
3 tbsp chia seeds
2 scoops Isofemme Creamy Vanilla Sky protein powder


Whisk together sour cream and eggs until smooth and well mixed. Add remaining ingredients and mix until everything is mixed together.

Cook in a frying pan at medium heat or on a griddle set to 325 degrees.
As you can see the 3 tbsp of chia seeds is a lot of chia seeds (but hey they don't have any flavour so its not an issue). This is a nice thick pancake batter. The protein powder I used doesn't add much sugar at all to these pancakes. Each scoop has 1g of sugar and 25g of protein. So in total that is an additional 2g of sugar and 50g of protein per batch. The extra 3tbsp of sour cream was just to empty out the container I had, and the 4 egg whites with 1 whole egg was just due to having left over egg from last nights Pasta Carbonara. The egg white whisked together with the sour cream and the whole egg does add a bit more air to the mixture and helps as a leavening agent to make fluffier pancakes!

Picture Served with butter and Ed Smith No Sugar Added Butter Flavoured Syrup. As you can see they are nice and fluffy!! Next time I will be adding some whole wheat flour into this recipe.

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