Friday, April 25, 2014

Chocolate Donuts filled with Egg-less Pastry Cream and topped with Dark Chocolate Ganache

These donuts had the same issue as the previous, they were a little dense. They were better though with the increase in yeast.

Chocolate Donuts filled with Egg-less Pastry Cream and topped with Dark Chocolate Ganache

Yield: 16 donuts

1 1/2 cups warm milk
2 tbsp yeast in 1/4 cup warm water
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
2 tbsp melted butter
2 eggs
5 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
2/3 cup coconut sugar


Heat milk in a sauce pan at medium heat, 5 minutes is generally long enough. During this time activate the yeast by combining it with warm water.

Combine milk, yeast, orange juice, orange zest, butter, coconut sugar, and vanilla in a bowl and mix. Add eggs one at a time, mix well (and quickly to avoid cooking the egg).

Add flour and cocoa powder and mix. Once almost fully incorporated, knead dough to mix it in fully, form into a ball and place in a bowl, cover with a lint free towel. Placing the bowl in an oven with only the light on can help it rise a little bit faster.

Once double in size use a circle cutter to cut rounds, place on lined baking sheets and back in the oven to rise. Once double in size, pull out of the oven and preheat to 375 degrees F.

Bake for 8-10 minutes, move to cooling racks and let cool.

Prepare Dark Chocolate Ganache and Egg-less Pastry Cream ahead of time. 

The donuts were a little dense so get a decent amount of filling in them use a knife and create a pocket in the donut trying not to let the opening become wider than the knife. Fill a piping bag with an appropriate tip and pipe filling into the donuts.

As the dark chocolate ganache was a day old at this time i just spread the ganache on the tops of the donuts ad a little on the openings to seal the opening from the filling.

Picture order: Baked and filled (sitting to prevent the filling from spilling out while filling the rest), and 2 images of the final product.

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