Thursday, April 24, 2014

Simple Egg-less Chocolate Mousse

After watching this weeks episode of Cutthroat Kitchen my husband and I wanted some chocolate mousse. i didn't want to spend a lot of time making it, so I just made a nice, simple mousse using my recipe for an egg-less chocolate pudding.

Simple Egg-less Chocolate Mousse


1 batch of Egg-less Chocolate Pudding prepared as instructed

2 cups heavy cream


Prepare the Egg-less Chocolate Pudding as instructed, cover directly with saran wrap and let chill for an hour.

Near the end of the hour, whip 2 cups heavy cream to stiff peaks.

Gently fold the heavy cream into the pudding, a little bit at a time. Keep in the bowl pudding was placed in or separate into individual bowls.

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