Friday, May 23, 2014

Raspberry Custard

This custard is one that I used to fill profiteroles. The original recipe I had did not set up as well as I would have liked, so I have adjusted the amount of cornstarch to account for that. Otherwise the flavour was good, and it worked really well in a profiterole that was coated in dark chocolate ganache.

Raspberry Custard


2 cups 1% milk
4 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 cup agave syrup
1 1/2 cups fresh raspberries
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste


Combine cornstarch and agave syrup. Add milk and mix well. Add raspberries, heat over medium heat until mixture thickens. Remove from heat.

Separate the egg whites and the egg yolks. Slowly add a small amount of the milk mixture to the egg yolks to temper it, stirring constantly. Once you have tempered the mixture and it is a good consistency to pour, pour the tempered egg mixture into the remaining milk, stirring constantly.

Return the mixture to the heat and allow it to cook for another couple minutes, thickening a bit more. Remove from heat, stir in the vanilla.

Transfer to a bowl and cover directly with saran wrap, and allow to chill for a couple hours.

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