Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lower Fat Strawberry Vanilla Ice Cream

For this recipe I used a base from the Ice Cream Geek Blog, but of course I had to alter it. Made it lower fat than the original, and used agave syrup. Not sure if the agave was the issue, but this did not freeze at all in the ice cream maker. The only thing I can suggest is for this have it as close to 0 degrees C as possible. Make sure the base is well chilled, and it should freeze in the ice cream maker. It was late the next day when it froze past the soft ice cream stage for me. However, it was very yummy ice cream in the end. Enjoy!

*NOTE* The fat % in the traditional base from the dairy used works out to be 23.08%. This recipe here is 10% as it is all half and half used which is 10% mf.

Lower Fat Strawberry Vanilla Ice Cream


2 large eggs
1/2 cup agave syrup
3 cups half and half

1 lb strawberries

1 tbsp vanilla


Heat half and half in a pot over medium-low heat. During this time have the strawberries sliced and in a pot. Allow them to cook over medium low heat until they soften and the mixture thickens.

While that’s heating, use an mixer and beat the eggs until they turn lighter in color.

Slowly, add the sugar while whisking the eggs. Slower is better. When it’s all in there, mix it a minute or so more.

When the half and half  reaches about 140 degrees F (60 C), remove it from the heat. While whisking the egg/sugar mix, slowly add small amounts of the half and half until about a third of it has been added. Add the remaining half and half now. If the mixture is not tempered properly, and you have chunks of eggs use something with a fine mesh to strain it and leave the chunks of egg out of the ice cream.

Then continue heating it to kill anything that shouldn’t be in there. Heat the mix over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until it reaches 175 degrees F (79 C) and hold it there for at least 25 seconds.

Allow the mixture to chill, add the vanilla and strawberries.

Chill the mix (either covered in the fridge, or using the double-bowl and ice method) until it’s below 40 degrees F (5 C).

Follow the instructions on your ice cream maker. If it does not freeze properly, place it in a container and place it in the freezer, stirring it periodically.

*Note* Here is a link to the original, unaltered recipe. Ice Cream Geek.

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