Saturday, May 10, 2014

Low Fat Vanilla Sponge Cake with Whipped Cream, Fruit Compote, and Lower Fat Strawberry Vanilla Ice Cream

This is a long post in all the pictures and methods that will be shown here. This was the dessert that I made for the family dinner tonight celebrating mothers day while everyone was in town. There were 6 of these made with left overs of everything. Even with the changes made reducing the fat in the cake it was still yummy and it was very moist. The butter was replaced with fat free greek yogurt, and the whole milk was replaced with 1% milk.

Vanilla Sponge Cake


4 eggs
2 cups coconut sugar
1 tbsp vanilla
1 cup 1% milk
1/4 cup fat free greek yogurt
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder


Preheat oven to 325 degrees F and heat milk over medium low heat.

Beat eggs in large mixing bowl with paddle attachment for 4 minutes.

Add sugar, and continue beating for another 4-5 minutes until light and fluffy.  Add vanilla and stir on low until just combined.

 Due to the coconut sugar, the batter will appear darker, and so will the cake itself.

In a separate bowl, sift together dry ingredients.  Add to eggs and sugar on low speed until just combined. Add milk to the batter until just combined.

Pour cake batter into the desired pan, in this case I used a 9x13 cake pan to be able to cut out rounds. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven and let stand in pans for 10 minutes. Then turn out onto wire cooling racks and cool completely.

While the cake is baking prepare a batch of the Fruit Compote. I used mixed berries (raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries, with mangoes. With the fruits chosen I had to add 2 tbsp of agave to the compote. 

Prepare a batch of the Lower Fat Strawberry Vanilla Ice Cream, ideally the day before or a few hours before serving.

 Cut the cake into rounds.
Slice the rounds in half.
Place a layer of the fruit compote on the bottom half of the cake.
Top with some whipped cream, I just used one of the whipped cream canisters that charges via CO2 cartridges. 
Place the top layer on the whipped cream.
 Top with a little more whipped cream. These are very small amounts of whipped cream on both layers.
Top with a little more fruit compote.
 This was my husbands, he wanted more whipped cream on his.
Add a scoop of ice cream, or 2, on the side.

*Note* Here is a link to the original full fat version of the sponge cake.

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