Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cream Puffs v2.0

I altered the recipe further and came up with one that turned out way better than the first one. I reduced the amount of egg in this and found less of an egg flavour in the batter and the center was nice and hollow, just like it should be.

As happens fairly often, this item was made to use ingredients that were nearing the end of their shelf life (heavy cream).

Choux Paste

1 cup water
6 tbsp butter
1 tsp coconut sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup flour
3 eggs


Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Combine water, butter, coconut sugar, and salt in a sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat and add flour, stir until it pulls away from the sides and forms a ball.

Add eggs one at a time, make sure the previous egg is well incorporated before adding the next one. Work quickly to prevent the eggs from cooking while you add them.

Pipe choux paste onto baking sheets lined with parchment or silicone lined baking sheet. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

At 25 minutes, pull the cream puffs out of the oven quickly, ans use a toothpick to poke each (do not use force to do so, find a spot where the toothpick enters easily on its own). Bake for an additional 5-10 minutes. 

*Note* I removed them from the oven at 30 minutes, they didn't form nicely so I could tell the dough wasn't 100% done so I turned the oven off and left them in the oven for an additional 10 minutes. 40 minutes total in the oven.


1 batch Sweetened Whipped Cream, prepared as directed
1 tsp vanilla bean paste added to the cream


Once the cream puffs have cooled, place the cream in a bag with a smaller tip that has an opening that is approximately 5mm. 

Poke a small hole into the cream puff just to allow the cream in the pipping bag an easier opening into the cream puff and fill the cream puff with cream.

As you can see they moved around a bit while baking and came out a little funny looking.

As you can see these turned out better than the last, the cream is enclosed in the choux paste, and there is a fair bit of it. Happy with these ones, and the husband loves them. :)

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