Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 2014 Bark Box

 Here is the May bark box, as you can see, Jake was a little more excited than normal to receive this one. He followed me around the house until I went to open the box finally.
 The description of everything that came in this box. This box arrived later than normal this month. My parents who normally receive theirs the day after we do actually got theirs almost a week before us.
 This stuffed, squeaky cat he loved and tried to take it from the box before I could even get a picture of it.
Then he played with the toy for a bit and ignored everything else.
These jerky chews he absolutely loves, and the cat loves them too. I can not open this bag without both Jake and Ryu begging for them.
Another treat ball that has so far been ignored if there are no treats in it, the cat is his favourite.
Apple cobbler flavoured biscuits. Jake does like there, just not as much as the chicken jerky.

 Jake had to show off this new toy to everyone who stopped by the house after he got it. It was rather amusing to watch really.
And in the bed chewing on it after showing it to my husband.


If you are interested in bark box please go here. As of the time I posted this, it states that using this link you can get 10% off your first subscription!

Chocolate Raspberry Cake

A friend from out of town came for a visit this past weekend. As his birthday was coming up I made him a chocolate raspberry cake for his birthday as he requested. For this I used a dark chocolate ganache to ice the cake, filled with some of the raspberry custard I still had left over and lots of extra raspberries, and the now fixed chocolate cake recipe I have posted here.


Chocolate Raspberry Cake


1 batch of Chocolate Cake
1 batch Dark Chocolate Ganache


2/3 cup Raspberry Custard
1-12 oz container of fresh raspberries, or an equal amount of frozen
2 tbsp cornstarch


Prepare the cake as instructed. While the cake is baking prepare the filling by heating the raspberry custard and fresh raspberries in a pot over low heat. Add the cornstarch mixed in a small amount of water and allow the mixture to thicken.

The filling before it was chilled.

Allow both the cake and the filling to cool. Once both have cooled prepare the ganache. Slice the cake in half to produce 2 layers. Carefully remove the top layer (this is easier done when the cake is partially frozen) and spread the filling out on the bottom layer. Place the top layer on the filling and pour the ganache over the cake.

Decorate as desired.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cinnamon Twists v 2.0 with a Chocolate Cinnamon Topping

I adjusted the recipe a little from the first one and got something even better. It was flakier, and had a lot more visible layers. Instead of grating the butter I got lazy and cut it into very, very small cubes. This produced a much better dough for the twists. At first it did not seem like it was going to work, but in the end it did, and I was very happy with the results.


Cinnamon Twists

Yield: 20 large twists


1 1/2 cup warm milk
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1 tbsp yeast
1 egg
3 tbsp chia seeds
3 cups flour
1 cup frozen butter, cut into very small cubes


1/3 cup butter
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste

1/3 cup coconut sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder


Heat milk in a sauce pan over medium-low heat. During this time begin grating the frozen butter into a bowl. Once the milk has heated combine the milk, coconut sugar, yeast and chia seeds in the mixture bowl and stir together. This will allow the yeast to activate. It is likely that grating the remainder of the butter will still take another 5 to 10 minutes. This works well as you want the yeast to have at least 5 minutes.

Place the butter in the freezer until it is needed. Add the egg and flour into the mixer and mix well. Add more flour as necessary to get a dough that is workable and not overly sticky. At this point add the butter in 3-4 batches being careful to not mix it too much. As I had to make adjustments to the amounts used in this recipe to get a nice dough I pulled the dough out to knead it by hand before adding the butter. I added the butter in and needed it briefly after each incorporation to prevent melting. Form into a ball and wrap in saran wrap. I chilled the dough in the freezer for half an hour, although 2-3 hours in the fridge would be a better option to chill the dough.

Once the dough has had time to chill, flour the table and roll the dough out into a large rectangle. Complete 3 book folds (see below instructions, or the earlier post for picture instructions) before rolling to the dough into one long rectangle, approximately 1/4-1/8th of an inch thick. To make this next part easier roll it so the width is the desired length of the cinnamon sticks, then continue to roll out the length of the dough until it has reached the desired thickness.

Place parchment paper, or silicon baking mats on the bake sheets, and prepare the cinnamon sugar and vanilla butter mixtures into 2 separate bowls.

Brush the dough with the mixture of melted butter and vanilla bean paste.
Then sprinkle some of the cinnamon sugar mixture over the entire piece of dough.

 Flip the dough carefully, and repeat this process on the other side. Slice the dough into sections that are approximately 5/8ths of an inch thick. You can use a pasty cutter or a knife, but personally I found that a pizza cutter was actually the fastest way to get this part done (and the easiest way).

Twist each section and place onto a lined bake sheet. If you have the fridge space you can allow the sections to chill again while the oven preheats to 400 degrees F, or if you are like me, and don't have enough space, then leave the dough on the counter to rest while the oven is preheating.

Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until it just start to brown, and the dough isn't really soft when you lift it off the trays.

Book Fold Instructions:

 Place the ball of chilled dough on a well floured surface, and cover with some more flour.

Roll the dough out into a rectangle

Fold each end in towards the middle.

Fold the dough along the midline. Roll the dough out again and repeat this process 3x, each time folding the dough opposite of the last time so you don't always have the outside edge staying on the outside, but rather you keep working it into the dough.

And finally roll the dough out to the desired length.

This does work best when you a chance to chill the dough for up to 30 minutes between each fold, but as this is closer to the blitz recipe, you do not need to chill between each fold.

Check here for picture instructions!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chocolate Cake recipe has now been fixed.

It turns out that when I first posted the chocolate cake recipe for the Black Forest Cake I left out a few ingredients. This has been corrected and I apologize for any confusion caused by this.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Cinnamon Twists

I got the idea for these after coming across the Copycat Cinnabon recipe that Slow Roasted Italian had posted. I did make a fair number of changes to their recipe, the main thing of interest was the use of vanilla bean paste in the melted butter that was brushed on the dough itself. Have to say that even with the changes the recipe turned out really well, although as the original uses a weird almost blitz puff pastry recipe, in the future any puff pastry (traditional or blitz variety) will be made from the recipes in my Professional Pastry Chef text book from my days in culinary school. The recipes in that text book turn out better, and no modifications are necessary.

But for a snack for today, these turned out well. They will make a good snack, especially when it comes to our SWTOR operations tonight.


Cinnamon Twists

Yield: 18 large twists


1 1/4 cup warm milk
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1 tbsp yeast
1 egg
3 tbsp chia seeds
3 1/8 cup flour
1 cup frozen butter, grated


1/3 cup butter
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste

1/3 cup coconut sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon


Heat milk in a sauce pan over medium-low heat. During this time begin grating the frozen butter into a bowl. Once the milk has heated combine the milk, coconut sugar, yeast and chia seeds in the mixture bowl and stir together. This will allow the yeast to activate. It is likely that grating the remainder of the butter will still take another 5 to 10 minutes. This works well as you want the yeast to have at least 5 minutes.

Place the butter in the freezer until it is needed. Add the egg and flour into the mixer and mix well. At this point add the butter in 3-4 batches being careful to not mix it too much. As I had to make adjustments to the amounts used in this recipe to get a nice dough I pulled the dough out to knead it by hand before adding the butter. I added the butter in and needed it briefly after each incorporation to prevent melting. Form into a ball and wrap in saran wrap. I chilled the dough in the freezer for half an hour, although 2-3 hours in the fridge would be a better option to chill the dough.

Once the dough has had time to chill, flour the table and roll the dough out into a large rectangle. Complete 3 book folds (see below for picture instructions) before rolling to the dough into one long rectangle, approximately 1/4-1/8th of an inch thick. To make this next part easier roll it so the width is the desired length of the cinnamon sticks, then continue to roll out the length of the dough until it has reached the desired thickness.

Place parchment paper, or silicon baking mats on the bake sheets, and prepare the cinnamon sugar and vanilla butter mixtures into 2 separate bowls.

Brush the dough with the mixture of melted butter and vanilla bean paste.

Then sprinkle some of the cinnamon sugar mixture over the entire piece of dough.

Flip the dough carefully, and repeat this process on the other side. Slice the dough into sections that are approximately 5/8ths of an inch thick. You can use a pasty cutter or a knife, but personally I found that a pizza cutter was actually the fastest way to get this part done (and the easiest way).

Twist each section and place onto a lined bake sheet. If you have the fridge space you can allow the sections to chill again while the oven preheats to 400 degrees F, or if you are like me, and don't have enough space, then leave the dough on the counter to rest while the oven is preheating.

I had 4 trays in total, 2 with 5 and 2 with 4.

Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until it just start to brown, and the dough isn't really soft when you lift it off the trays.

Book Fold Instructions:

Place the ball of chilled dough on a well floured surface, and cover with some more flour.

 Roll the dough out into a rectangle.

Fold each end in towards the middle.

Fold the dough along the midline. Roll the dough out again and repeat this process 3x, each time folding the dough opposite of the last time so you don't always have the outside edge staying on the outside, but rather you keep working it into the dough.

And finally roll the dough out to the desired length.

This does work best when you a chance to chill the dough for up to 30 minutes between each fold, but as this is closer to the blitz recipe, you do not need to chill between each fold.

Lower Fat Key Lime Ice Cream

I made this ice cream to serve with the Raspberry Custard Filled Profiteroles with Dark Chocolate Ganache, although it would still be good on its own. The lime flavouring is strong, so if you don't want a really strong lime flavour, reduce the number of key limes but 2-3.


The ice cream on day 2, it is good now, not so soft.

Lower Fat Key Lime Ice Cream


2 large eggs
1/2 cup agave syrup
3 cups half and half
Zest and juice of 8 key limes

1 tbsp vanilla bean paste


Heat half and half and the lime zest in a pot over medium-low heat.

While that’s heating, use an mixer and beat the eggs until they turn lighter in color.

Slowly, add the sugar while whisking the eggs. Slower is better. When it’s all in there, mix it a minute or so more.

When the half and half  reaches about 140 degrees F (60 C), remove it from the heat. While whisking the egg/sugar mix, slowly add small amounts of the half and half until about a third of it has been added. Add the remaining half and half now.

Then continue heating it to kill anything that shouldn’t be in there. Heat the mix over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until it reaches 175 degrees F (79 C) and hold it there for at least 25 seconds. If the mixture is not tempered properly, and you have chunks of eggs use something with a fine mesh to strain it and leave the chunks of egg and lime zest out of the ice cream.

Before chilling the mixture, add the lime juice, use the strainer over the ice cream base to prevent any seeds or pulp from entering the ice cream.

Chill the mix (either covered in the fridge, or using the double-bowl and ice method) until it’s below 40 degrees F (5 C). I had this in the fridge chilling for 6 hours prior to placing it in the ice cream maker. Next time I will likely place it in the freezer for the last half hour before placing it in the ice cream maker.

Follow the instructions on your ice cream maker. If it does not freeze properly, place it in a container and place it in the freezer, stirring it periodically.

This was almost at the soft serve ice cream consistency after 40 minutes in the ice cream maker. It did melt rather quickly however.

Raspberry Custard Filled Profiteroles with Dark Chocolate Ganache

A friend from another province is visiting, and family came over for dinner, so I needed something special to make for dessert tonight. After all it had to go with a meal that was very time consuming to make. Beef rouladin with gravy, mashed potatoes, and steamed organic sweet corn. Honestly I don't think I have ever made anything that takes as long to prep as the beef rouladin does. It is delicious, but it takes so long to prepare and cook that it is a dish I very rarely make (much to my husbands dismay).

This was a new dessert I played around with tonight. Profiteroles filled with a raspberry custard, and dipped in dark chocolate ganache. On the side I served some key lime ice cream that did not set up as well as I would have liked it to.

This weekend will be filled with lots of good food, and many new recipes. It is only Saturday morning, and already I have 4 recipes to upload (including the Raspberry Custard added last night).


 Raspberry Custard Filled Profiteroles with Dark Chocolate Ganache


1 batch Choux Paste
1 batch Raspberry Custard
1 batch Dark Chocolate Ganache


Have the raspberry custard prepared and chilled. Using a piping tip with a large round opening, pipe the custard into the baked and cooled profiteroles.

Prepare the profiteroles, and allow them time to cool completely. This time I didn't pipe them onto the trays but rather I spooned the choux paste onto the trays. Quicker and easier, plus when you have an entire day of cooking ahead of you (minus 3 hours spent in a chemistry lecture in the afternoon), you want something to be done faster.

Using a piping tip with a wide opening, pipe the custard into the profiterole and dip in the ganache. Place them in the fridge to allow the ganache to set.

These were served with soft Key Lime Ice Cream (still had issues getting it to set, but turned out much better than my first attempt. If I had time to let it sit in the freezer for an hour or 2 it woud have been perfect. Either way as it melted it made a wonderful sauce to go with the profiteroles.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Raspberry Custard

This custard is one that I used to fill profiteroles. The original recipe I had did not set up as well as I would have liked, so I have adjusted the amount of cornstarch to account for that. Otherwise the flavour was good, and it worked really well in a profiterole that was coated in dark chocolate ganache.

Raspberry Custard


2 cups 1% milk
4 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 cup agave syrup
1 1/2 cups fresh raspberries
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste


Combine cornstarch and agave syrup. Add milk and mix well. Add raspberries, heat over medium heat until mixture thickens. Remove from heat.

Separate the egg whites and the egg yolks. Slowly add a small amount of the milk mixture to the egg yolks to temper it, stirring constantly. Once you have tempered the mixture and it is a good consistency to pour, pour the tempered egg mixture into the remaining milk, stirring constantly.

Return the mixture to the heat and allow it to cook for another couple minutes, thickening a bit more. Remove from heat, stir in the vanilla.

Transfer to a bowl and cover directly with saran wrap, and allow to chill for a couple hours.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Apple Pie (prepared with low glycemic sugars)

Well once again have stuff that needs to be used, and at this point in time it is a couple sections of pie dough that I put in the freezer last summer sometime. That led to wanting some apple pie, and in the end this recipe. If you want the pie sweet rather than slightly on the tart side, increase the agave to at least 1/2 a cup.

Other than this I have been really busy with studying (have a chemistry midterm tomorrow), and playing Diablo 3. Thursday marks the end of the 2 year anniversary loot buff for the game granting a 100% increase to legendary drops. Taking advantage of this, I finished the last tiny bit of act v on my demon hunter and with the help of my husband and a couple of our good friends, we have been playing torment 1 and 2 adventure mode, collecting all sorts of stuff while having fun. When I have been playing alone I have been leveling a little barbarian to finally have a toon that does not require kiting, and better yet I am leveling her on torment 2.

Well back to the pie recipe, enjoy!

Apple Pie


Enough pie crust for 1 pie, use your choice of crust. For this I used prepared Tenderflake that has been in the freezer for sometime.

1/3 cup agave syrup
2 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp cinnamon
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp allspice
8 granny smith apples, peeled, cored, and sliced.


Preheat the oven to 380 degrees F.

Roll out the pie crust to fit a standard pie pan, approximately 1/8th of an inch thick. Place the pie crust in the pie pan.

Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix well, and pour into the pie pan. Cover the top of the pie in any way you desire. I got lazy as can be seen in the picture.

Bake the pie for 1 hour. Cool and serve.

Flourless Banana Oatmeal Muffins

Well I found a link to a recipe on pinterest that I ended up adding a lot to, but didn't change much in the original base for it. I tried to post a link to the original but when I went to go to the site again today, the host has blocked it due to it potentially containing adult content.

I haven't found a link back to that specific one yet either. But anyway it just happened that I had 4 bananas I needed to use fast (original only called for 3), and I had exactly 3 cups of rolled oats remaining. I also happened to have exactly 1 cup of vanilla almond milk sitting in my fridge needing to be used. Weird how that one worked out. The plan was to put only 1/4 cups of chocolate chips in here originally, but I finally had emptied my large container of mini chips enough that I could move it to a smaller container. To move it to the smaller container i had no choice but to use 2/3 of a cup. Either way banana baked goods just are not the same without chocolate chips and walnuts. :)

When you look at the nutrition information that was calculate for this recipe, keep in mind that a large portion of the fat listed is coming from walnuts, chia seeds, and eggs. So really its not bad fats as the fats found in those are often considered to be the healthy fats. Also these were made with the intention to contain a lot of nutrients in a small package.

These do not use flour, only oats. The protein powder claims to be gluten free as well, but I will not call these a gluten free item, as I do not claim to be a dietician, nor do I generally make gluten free items as I do not know anyone with celiac disease.


Flourless Banana Oatmeal Muffins

Yield: 19


4 ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup vanilla almond milk
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 cups rolled oats
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
2/3 cups chocolate chips, mini, semi-sweet
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 cup chopped walnuts
3 tbsp chia seeds


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Combine all wet ingredients a bowl and mix well, add dry ingredients, and mix until just barely incorporated.

Pour into lined muffin pans, almost filling the muffin cups.

Bake for approximately 23-25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. These do stick to muffin wrappers a lot when they are still warm, as the cool they come out of the muffin papers easier.

Nutrition Facts
  19 Servings

Amount Per Serving
  Calories 188.3
  Total Fat 8.9 g
      Saturated Fat 2.2 g
      Polyunsaturated Fat 3.8 g
      Monounsaturated Fat 1.1 g
  Cholesterol 21.7 mg
  Sodium 105.1 mg
  Potassium 164.6 mg
  Total Carbohydrate 23.6 g
      Dietary Fiber 3.3 g
      Sugars 9.8 g
  Protein 5.7 g