Thursday, June 12, 2014

Apple Filled Cinnamon Buns with Cinnamon Twist Pastry Dough

Apple Filled Cinnamon Buns with Cinnamon Twist Pastry Dough

Yield: 21 cinnamon buns


1 1/4 cup warm milk
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1 tbsp yeast
1 egg
3 tbsp chia seeds
3 1/8 cup flour
1 cup frozen butter, cut into very small cubes


1/3 cup butter
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste

1/3 cup coconut sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon
Apple Filling:

4 granny smith apples, peeled, cored, and but into very small cubes
1/8 cup butter
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp agave syrup


The night before you plan to make this, cut the butter into very small cubes adn allow it to freeze over night.

Prepare the apple filling a couple hours in advance. Place all ingredients except for the apples in a pan and allow to come to a boil. Add the apples and cook over medium heat until the apples are half cooked. Remove from heat and let cool completely.

Heat milk in a sauce pan over medium-low heat. Once the milk has heated combine the milk, coconut sugar, yeast and chia seeds in the mixture bowl and stir together. This will allow the yeast to activate.

Add the egg and flour into the mixer and mix well. At this point add the butter in 3-4 batches being careful to not mix it too much. As I had to make adjustments to the amounts used in this recipe to get a nice dough I pulled the dough out to knead it by hand before adding the butter. I added the butter in and needed it briefly after each incorporation to prevent melting. Form into a ball and wrap in saran wrap. I chilled the dough in the freezer for half an hour, although 2-3 hours in the fridge would be a better option to chill the dough.

Once the dough has had time to chill, flour the table and roll the dough out into a large rectangle. Complete 3 book folds before rolling to the dough into one long rectangle, approximately 1/4-1/8th of an inch thick. To make this next part easier roll it so the width is the desired length of the cinnamon sticks, then continue to roll out the length of the dough until it has reached the desired thickness.

Place parchment paper, or silicon baking mats on the bake sheets, and prepare the cinnamon sugar and vanilla butter mixtures into 2 separate bowls.

Brush the dough with the mixture of melted butter and vanilla bean paste.

Then sprinkle some of the cinnamon sugar mixture over the entire piece of dough, add the apple filling on top of that.

Roll the dough as you would for cinnamon buns (see below) and cut 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick. Place on a baking sheet and allow to rest while the oven preheats.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F and bake for 23-25 minutes.

Book Fold Instructions:

 Place the ball of chilled dough on a well floured surface, and cover with some more flour.

Roll the dough out into a rectangle

Fold each end in towards the middle.

Fold the dough along the midline. Roll the dough out again and repeat this process 3x, each time folding the dough opposite of the last time so you don't always have the outside edge staying on the outside, but rather you keep working it into the dough.

And finally roll the dough out to the desired length.

This does work best when you a chance to chill the dough for up to 30 minutes between each fold, but as this is closer to the blitz recipe, you do not need to chill between each fold.


When folding the butter into the dough, have the dough prepared and well mixed. 

Add the butter in sections, until it has all been added.
 Get the butter mixed in fairly well, then wrap the dough and allow it to chill.
 This is about what you want the apples to be when they are being prepared for the filling.
 The apple mixture should look like this before the apples are added.
 Raw apples added.
This is what it should look like when it is cooked. The filling is not sweet, do not add extra sugar, you will be adding the sugar on the dough still.

Here is the dough with the sugar and the apples. 1 1/2 times the recipe maybe would have been better for the apples, there were not as many in the dough as I was hoping for.
Roll the dough as you would for cinnamon buns.
Cut each one approximately 1 1/2- 2 inches thick.

Place on sheets, leave a little bit of room for the dough to puff out during baking. Once they are on the trays, allow the oven to start preheating.

The finished product!

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